Our Story

2 weeks before the first covid lockdown – aaagghh!

Never one to back away from a challenge she decided to create a passable vegan Yorkshire pudding recipe to serve with Sunday lunches at the café - as they were looking a little sad without them!

Not just passable, the result was perfection – super light and crispy top, deep hole for the gravy and a slightly denser bottom.

...they were so popular customers were asking to buy extra to take home and freeze. Even non vegans were raving about them.
Then friends of customers from further afield heard about them got in touch asking if we could post them all over the country. We gave it a go. Sometimes they arrived in perfect condition, sometimes they looked like had been through a heavy rugby match on the way.

An online vegan retailer specialising in frozen food, handily not too far from us. Our Yorkies went live on their site in June 2021.
Later that year other shops contacted us to ask if they could stock them too so mightyplants.com started shipping larger orders.

In autumn 2022 we went live with Essential Trading ltd, who provided a much wider distribution network and allowed retailers to order smaller quantities as part of larger orders. (Freezer space is often limited in independent stores).

While we absolutely loved our original café logo, it wasn’t quite appropriate for a national brand so with the help of B-Unleashed and Rich Walsham we entered a new age.

With the help of Vegantoyou.co.uk we took our shiny new branding to Vegan Campout, where not only did our Yorkies go down an absolute storm (had the biggest food queue on Sunday the festival ever seen) but Saturday saw us showcase our epic new Toad in the Hole made
with THIS sausages
Looking forward to seeing you all again in July!

January sales were up 90% on 2023 and with new listings with wholesalers and retailers on their way, the only way is up!

Launched toad in the hole with mighty plants!

Launched nationwide distribution to independent stores through CLF!
We started producing our own soya milk from dried beans rather than buying it premade which reduces the CO2 transport emissions by 90% and removes the need for 300g plastic per 1000 Yorkshire puddings.